KP Astrology or Krishnamurti Paddhati or KP System is the study of Stellar Astrology in which we the predictions of the fortune and life happenings is done by analyzing one’s stars and nakshatras. The basic concept of Zodiac division is similar in both Vedic Astrology and in KP Astrology. Krishnamurti Paddhati of astrology can be stated as the modernized version of Vedic astrology with simplified techniques to predict the life story.
KP system was invented by a renowned Indian astrologer Shri K.S. Krishna Murthy from Tamilnadu. He dedicated his life in researching various Western and Indian methods of Astrology and thereby developing a very easy method and named as KP Astrology.
The traditional astrology and zodiac system was a bit complex to understand and predictions. But the KP system is capable to give very precise answers to our life queries even as clear ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. The vital requirement for Krishnamurti Paddhati is accurate information about the person such as:
- Birth Name
- Current Name
- Date of Birth / Tithi
- Exact Time of Birth (even the seconds)
- Accurate geographical location of birth
- Longitude
- Latitude
- Time zone and Kundali
The above information is incorporated with the position of the planets and stars at that very moment (in that Time Zone), the characteristics description of the person and life activities are being analyzed. All the data stated above must have to be very accurate as the difference of even milliseconds can change the results. Each Constellation / Star / Nakshatra are divided further in 9 subdivisions called ‘SUBS’. These sub divisions are as per the Vimshottari Dashas Divisions System and the divisions are unequal. In this system, planet represents the source of energy, that planet’s star-lord represents the effects on each other and that planet’s sub gives idea of the final direction of that result.